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j. Siguru Wahutu is an expert in the sociology of media, with an emphasis on genocide, mass violence, and ethnicity in sub-Saharan Africa. He has written about global media patterns in covering genocide in Africa, ethnicity, land, and politics in Kenya, and on the Kenyan media's experimentation with social media platforms. Wahutu's research has appeared in African Journalism Studies, African Affairs, the International Journal of Press/Politics, Global Media and Communication, Media and Communication, Media, Culture, and Society, and Sociological Forum. He is an Assistant Professor at New York University's Department of Media, Culture, and Communication


Nieman Lab

Predictions for Journalism

Nieman Lab's Predictions for Journalism 2025 enlists "some of the smartest people in journalism and media" to anticipate what's coming next year.

Dec 16, 2024

A prayer for a humbler media

In the Nieman Lab's predictions for journalism in 2022, j. Siguru Wahutu expresses hope for a humbler media ecosystem.

Dec 15, 2021
International Affairs Forum

Effects of Democratic Strains on Journalism

An interview with james Siguru Wahutu

Feb 1, 2021
Nieman Lab

Western journalists, learn from your African peers

Faculty associate james Wahutu on what he hopes media organizations in the U.S. and the UK will do in 2020.

Dec 16, 2019
McGill-Queen's University Press

Media and Mass Atrocity

The Rwanda Genocide and Beyond

How African media cover atrocities on their own continent

Apr 9, 2019
Nieman Journalism Lab

Think 2018 was bad? Wait until you see 2019

Unless journalists decide to take a stand and rethink the current status quo, 2019 will be darker and gloomier.

Dec 15, 2018


Apr 25, 2024 @ 9:00 AM

Journalism and the Politics of Narrating African Suffering

Expert Roundtable

An expert roundtable focused on the key themes of Prof. j. Siguru Wahutu’s upcoming book In the Shadow of the Global North: Journalism in Postcolonial Africa (Cambridge University…

Mar 12, 2019 @ 12:30 PM

Digital Democracy, Analogue Politics

How the Internet Era is Transforming Kenya

PODCAST & VIDEO: Join us for a conversation with author Nanjala Nyabola and 2017 Berkman Klein Fellow Grace Mutung'u about Nanjala's book, Digital Democracy, Analogue Politics:…

Oct 12, 2018 @ 9:00 AM

Special Event: Big Data, Meager Returns?

A collaborative workshop on Fairness, Sustainability and Data for the Global South

A workshop on automation's promise and challenge for a different future, and the better governance models needed to include the understanding of data as a public asset.